News: Fans eagerly await Season 3 of the ongoing anime series Shadows House, but its renewal status remains uncertain despite positive feedback. Set within the mysterious Grand Dark mansion, the show follows Emilico, a living doll, and her mistress Kate as they uncover the secrets hidden within its walls.
Potential Release Date and Cast
As of now, there’s no confirmed release date for Season 3, but its popularity and source material make a renewal likely. However, production delays due to global circumstances are possible. Regarding the cast, no official announcements have been made, but it’s expected that the core cast will return, possibly with new additions. Season 3 will likely explore the aftermath of Season 2’s events, continuing the series’ drama and suspense.
Ratings and Reception
Shadows House has received favorable ratings, with a 7.4/10 on IMDb and an average audience rating of 7.79 on MyAnimeList, indicating positive reception among viewers.
Unique Setting and Plot
Set in an opulent estate inhabited by featureless figures called “Shadows” and their attendant “Living Dolls,” Shadows House follows Kate and Emilico as they uncover the mansion’s secrets. The series captivates with its inventive premise, striking character designs, and suspenseful plot.
Similar Shows to Explore
For fans of Shadows House, similar shows with dark and Gothic tones include Erased Anime Season 2, The Detective Is Already Dead Season 2, Tomodachi Game Season 2, Duncanville Season 4, and The Cuphead Show! Season 4.
Where to Watch Shadows House
Shadows House can be streamed on and is produced by Studio CloverWorks, adapted from the manga series by Somato.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Has the Shadows House manga concluded?
A. No, the Shadows House manga is ongoing.
Q. Is there confirmation of a Season 3 for Shadows House?
A. There have been no official announcements regarding Season 3.
Q. How many episodes can we expect in Season 3?
A. The episode count for Season 3 is not confirmed yet.
Q. When did Shadows House debut?
A. Shadows House premiered on April 11, 2021.
Q. How many seasons of Shadows House have been released thus far?
A. Two seasons of Shadows House have been aired.