13-Year-Old Nyla Evans Prepares for Her First L.A. Marathon

Nyla Evans, a 13-year-old student from Los Angeles, is preparing for her debut marathon at the L.A. Marathon.

Running became Nyla's coping mechanism for anxiety during the pandemic, leading her to embark on this challenging journey.

Joining the Students Run L.A. organization, Nyla found support and friendship among her teammates.

Encouraged by her coaches and friends, Nyla is determined to conquer the 26.2-mile race.

Nyla's mother, Johanna Voutounou, shares the profound impact running has had on her daughter's mental health.

Regardless of her finish time, Nyla's dedication and determination have made her family incredibly proud.

Follow Nyla's journey as she takes on the 39th L.A. Marathon, starting at Dodger Stadium and ending in Century City.

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