OTB Payment Dates 2024: When Trillium Payment is Coming in 2024? All Details

OTB Payment Dates 2024: Ontario Trillium Benefit Schedule in 2024

OTB Payment Dates 2024: Ontario Trillium Benefit Schedule in 2024

Understanding the Ontario Trillium Benefit

Latest News: Despite rising household incomes, living expenses are rising in Ontario. The Ontario Trillium Benefit was introduced in order to assist residents with low-to-moderate earnings. This benefit helps with housing, grocery, and child care costs.

OTB Payments

A refundable tax credit called the Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB) was created to assist low-income households with their energy, sales, and property taxes. The Ontario energy and property tax credit, the Northern Ontario energy credit, and the Ontario sales tax credit are all included.

Overview of OTB Payment Dates 2024

For many people, the Ontario Trillium Benefit payment dates, payment method, and eligibility are essential. The prior year’s income tax determines the payment amount.

When to Expect Trillium Payments in 2024

An individual’s income tax and benefit return from the prior year determines how much OTB they are eligible for each year. The Canada Revenue Agency normally issues payments in twelve installments on the tenth day of each month. In 2024, the tenth of each month will be the OTB payment date, with weekends and holidays taken into account.

OTB Payment Dates in 2024

January 2024: Monday, February 2024: Tuesday, March 2024: 8th March, April 2024: Tuesday, May 2024: Tuesday, June 2024: Tuesday, July 2024: Tuesday, August 2024: Tuesday, September 2024: Tuesday, October 2024: Tuesday, November 2024: 8th Nov, and December 2024: 10th Dec.

OTB Payment Amounts in 2024

Using Ontario’s Tax Credit Calculator or the Child and Family Benefits Calculator, one can determine how much they will receive from the OTB, including the Ontario Sales Tax Credit (OSTC), Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit (OEPTC), and Northern Ontario Energy Credit (NOEC). Various payment options are offered according to the amount received.

How to Receive OTB Payments in 2024

One must file their income tax and benefit return in order to be eligible for the OTB. To maintain the benefit, a yearly tax return must be filed, and timely filing will help to prevent payment delays.

For Further Information

To learn more about the Ontario Trillium Benefit and other benefits provided by the federal government in Ontario, people can visit the website of the Canada Revenue Agency or give them a call at 1-877-627-6645.


Households with low to moderate incomes receive vital support from the Ontario Trillium Benefit. For those looking for assistance through this program, it is essential to comprehend the eligibility requirements and payment schedule.


How is the Ontario Trillium Benefit payment amount determined?

An individual’s income tax and benefit return from the prior year determines how much OTB they are eligible for each year.

What is the payment schedule for the Ontario Trillium Benefit in 2024?

In 2024, the tenth of each month will be the OTB payment date, with weekends and holidays taken into account.

What is the eligibility criteria for receiving the Ontario Trillium Benefit?

One must file their income tax and benefit return in order to be eligible for the OTB. To keep getting the benefit, a yearly tax return must be filed.

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